2024 Digital Marketing Benchmarks for B2B SaaS Companies

  • Data you can trust

    We collected primary data from over 200 B2B SaaS companies to compile benchmarks across the most high priority marketing performance.

    By comparing your results against our benchmarks, we can tell you exactly how well you are performing against your most important marketing KPIs.

  • Comprehensive metrics

    For each benchmark, we’ll show how you performed against the aggregated results of all companies. Benchmark categories include:

    Budgets and spending

    Email marketing

    Lead generation

    Paid and organic LinkedIn

    Content marketing and website metrics

    Search and display ads

  • Accurate comparison

    We’ll also tell you how you did against companies of the same size, annual revenue and business performance.

    Additionally, we can customize recommendations to you based on our analysis of dimensions such as:

    High performing companies vs. low performers

    Large marketing budgets vs. low spenders

    Product-led vs. sales led growth